64-bit version of PHP only (32-bit version is not supported).
Minimum requirements for the correct operation of the modules:
Recommended requirements:
What to check if the agent can’t be installed?
Give permissions to edit the downloaded file to the user who runs PHP. To find out which user php is running from, you need to find the PHP configuration file, for example, in
It has a www section and user and group values.
user = www-data
group = www-data
The PHP interpreter usually runs on behalf of www-data or Apache. Typically, a file is uploaded on behalf of the FTP user. Then you need to change the owner of the file, for example:
chown www-data: www-data [your_agent_name].am.php
And give write permissions to this file (for owner and group):
chmod 664 [your_agent_name].am.php
Grant write permissions to the root directory and to the index.php file for the user PHP is running from.
chown www-data:www-data index.php chmod 664 index.php
If you use a special web hosting control panel, then you can go to the attributes (or settings) of these files and also configure the rights
If the agent is loaded correctly, you will see a 32-character string, for example: peT67cBvQUS8zpZ2uXuaOGz2W196oNnX